

Oxbidz is a registered financial services enterprise (FSPR) in New Zealand. The New Zealand government to provide Financial services one-stop registration, supervision and information release channel, was founded in 2010, Financial Service will Register (FSPR) as a local Financial market qualification certification bodies, and any person or organization provides Financial services in New Zealand must be approved and registered as a Financial Service provider (FSP) to legal services; We have become members of the New Zealand dispute settlement programme (DRS), which is likely to receive compensation of up to $200,000 in case of bankruptcy or loss of client funds.

Oxbidz also has the vanuatu VFSC licensed broker qualification, the qualification is the brokerage industry’s top and recognition of qualifications, and may, in accordance with law, is engaged in the foreign exchange, precious metals, options and derivatives business, with the world’s largest clearing bank docking orders and billing.

Double international regulation can be ensured to run our entire platform, data and settlement achieves the highest standard, normal, safe, open, fair and transparent, so that customers get the maximum guarantee the legitimate interests of, can be at ease to investment and profit!